Obesity is simply defined as excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in the body that can cause ill-health effects. 

Overweight is a term used to describe an increase of the body weight by 10% of the expected healthy weight of the individual (Definition of Overweight). 

Underweight simply refers to weighing less than the expected healthy weight.

Central obesity and peripheral obesity: Central obesity refers to abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the central parts of the body around the abdomen, pelvis and areas around. Peripheral obesity refers to accumulation of fat in the extremities. Central obesity is a very bad indicator.

The BMI (The Body Mass Index): Was first coined by Adolphe Quelet (1796-1874). The BMI is a simple measure used widely to specify the status of the body in terms of under weight, normal weight, over weight and obese. It can be calculated by applying values to the following equation: weight in kilograms/ height in metersĀ² 

The BMI is not a reliable measure to persume that an individual has a healthy weight or is obese or overweight. Obesity is abnormal accumulation and distribution of fat in the body. An individual can have a normal BMI but still can have large amounts of fat in his/her body. Fat tissues can induce a large number of harmful effetcs.....refer to Complications of Obesity.

Calculate your BMI here.


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